Basic information
Pretty formula | FeGe4H24C8(S5N)2 |
Full formula | Fe1Ge4H24C8S10N2 |
Tags | Bis(tetramethylammonium) decathiotetragermanoferrate(II) |
Constituent elements | C; Fe; Ge; H; N; S; |
Number of elements | 6 |
Number of sites | 49 |
Volume | 671.29966 Å3 |
Density | 2.01685 g/cm3 |
Source | Materials Project |
Space group
Spacegroup Number | 82 |
Hermann Mauguin | I-4 |
Hall | I -4 |
Crystal System | Tetragonal |
Calculated Energies
Total energy | Energy per atom | Formation energy per atom | Band gap | Total magnetization | Energy above hull |
-249.87777 eV | -5.09955 eV | -0.28948 eV | 0.26650 eV | -4.00000 eV | 0.18472 eV |